wedge assists tech start-ups to achieve their sales goals and drive substantial tangible growth

With a distinguished track record of achievement, wedge sales consultancy brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise, to empower emerging companies in navigating the fiercely competitive new tech business landscape.

Our approach involves the deployment of effective sales strategies, in-depth market analysis, and the cultivation of enduring client relationships, consistently delivering outstanding outcomes.

At wedge sales consultancy, our guidance and leadership serve as the cornerstone for tech start-ups to not only survive but thrive in today's rapidly evolving business environment.

Experience with some of the worlds top brands:

Our history shows we consistently deliver in sales. Put simply we meet and exceed targets, increase revenue and build strong client relationships.

Consistent track record

Our strategies are data-driven and tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that we not only acquire new clients but also retain and expand your current customer base.

Client acquisition and growth

Customised Sales Strategies

Strategies meticulously designed to tackle your specific needs and challenges, resulting in improved sales performance and increased revenue.

web 3.0

In addition to a successful corporate career, wedge has over the past few years immersed themselves in the rapidly evolving world of Web 3, including cryptocurrency, NFTs, and blockchain technology.

This dual experience, combining the rigor of the corporate realm with the innovation and disruption of Web 3, provides a unique perspective and deep understanding of the modern business landscape.

It enables wedge to offer a comprehensive, forward-thinking approach to clients, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate and leverage the opportunities presented by the dynamic Web 3 ecosystem.